after hanging at the Rodeo for 2 days in Reno Nevada where all the real live cowboys from across America come to compete...
the more of America i see, the more i think they're all bananas ,
and ....obviously, the more i like it
mind you, that doesnt mean they give me a nice extended visa to stay
iiii've put together a lil' blaaack and whiiiiiite cow-boy series ....
have to rush off and eat a golden syrup steamed pudding ...
i have got jetlag after all.....
rushing backwards and forewards across the world ....

amazing photos just like always, I dont know how they would look in colour but the B&W gives a great feeling. It is fun and interesting to see your experience in the US.
shouldnt you be asleep??????
stunning pictures, wow! I love reading about your exp.
Awesome pictures!!
OOowweeeehhhaaaa very seriously coolness!!
Mizz world traveller, hopping from continent to continent leaving me all in my lonsome....
fantastic images Frances, so interesting to see the black and white cowboys!
This is so beautiful! I especially love that first shot taken from right above the cowboys! Great work!!
Cool guys!
But it seems to me that the pictures would be even better when the background would be changed a bit (lightened? darkened?) so the men and the horses would stand out more.
fantastic pictures!!
I love Vegas during Cowboy Week! Great B&W photos. Wish I could have been there!
Sue Knights
Yeeha - you ARE an old-fashioned gal!
wow, such a rocking (is there such a word?) story in pictures! *Sending some happy summer vibes to pink fishyÄ* ;)
fishyÄ? Yeeh, you know who is this mystery creature...
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