back in New Zealand,
tramping boots and gaiters,
climbing blown out volcanoes and lurking in magical scary forests on the insides of the crater....crawling through liana vines that have grown into trees and sloshing around in deep deep mud as water trickles constantly through the rain forest lush lush kiwi jungle..... after the Nevada crackling dry desert......
it could not be more different...

OMG! Those photos are amazing!! I´d love to be there!
Very beautiful photo!
Magical it is indeed! Nothing like a bit of amazing nature to get the mind ticking over!
been to that kind of places in NZ here Frances, and I love it!:)
Wow amazing greenness, amazing!
i have so much green to look forward to again :)
I know exactly where you are when you are standing on that hill .. magic views and photo's frances!!
hugs and hotties
Kerrin xox
wow, amazing plants...especially that swirly one!
Wow--would have loved being in your boots--love that kind of landscape!
Beautiful pictures, Frances! What a magical place! :)
Oh, I wish I had a chance to visit a place like this one day. Awesome!
I know it's not where you wanna be right now, but WOW...I would so like to be there!
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