Inger Inger Inger !!!!!!
i'm so happy

a big box arrived from Ingermaaike which included my secret santa pressie which had returned to her due to the shonky postie in my street...
now i am truly "Inger-fied" ...
i even have my very own frog prince
is there some sort of common theme running along here.... ?
cant ....quite... put... my finger on it......
and do my Tom Fords go with this pixie rig????
my secret santa pressie is the most wonderful silken mossy New Zealand rainforest colour cobweb wrap ...
it is so very very wonderful ..
thank you
thank you
thank you

Inger will you marry me?
fantastic! - have you tried snogging the frog yet??
WOW! What wonderful presents, Inger really spoilt you :)
gorgeous wrap - congrats! I second Pam's comment .. does he turn into a prince?
certainly hope so !!!!
i will let you know
wow you look fabulous ! Maybe you have to kiss the frog ...
Wonderful pressie! You better let us know did you have success with your froggie:)
It's gorgeous - love the frog - supercute! Glad that your secret Santa eventually arrived! :)
oh how great to get a late present when the January blues have set in!! it's like finding a hiding bit of chocolate when you think it is all gone!
hope the frog works out for you..!
lucky fish!!! you got a secret santa gift from Inger!!!
That looks SO super soft and warm.. Lucky girl :D
Wow it's the frog :-)
Wow - stunning! I feel a great pressure to be a good Easter Bunny now....
WOwoo!!! that is incredible!
Yes I will my darling! Will you come and live in my barn then? And shoot me beautiful pictures?
yes Inger ...
just tell me when !
OMG I love your frog prince!!! It is perfect for you! And you look lovely wrapped in your NZ green forest wrap!
:) BIG HUGE SMILE... the whole fairy-tale is perfect! I like the ones without evil step-mother... Hopefully the frogm makes-the-trick and you cal live happily forever ;)
Ooohhh, HOW CUTE!!!! Inger rocks!!!
Lucky you to have a secret santa as cool as mine ;)
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