wondering what this year will bring ... ( I think you are supposed to think this on New Years day....I'm having a slight delay...... again....)
seems to be some tiny bit of positive movement amongst all the gruesome grim-ness ... of the dark void the world seems to be slipping into....

why does Neil Armstrong standing on the moon always make me feel brilliant?
so much so that i made a pinhole image on polaroid of the iconic picture from my computer ... 1.5 hours exposure through clingwrap... nice ....
It might make you feel brilliant because of what can be acheived by primitive means. And then when you add some cool technology and the will/drive to create anything, and I mean absolutely *ANYTHING* is possible.
Love the result, awesome!!
the process it took for you to make that polaroid image is so awesome! i love the way it looks, like you were actually there.
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