...as a professional photographer working alot for magazines and ad agencies i very rarely get to see a photograph or handle a negative or get polaroid chemistry on my fingers and clothes anymore..
finished images are uploaded by ftp to the graphic departments server and that is the last i see until they are published ... it is for this reason that i need urgently to make something real with my hands. I have spoken with many friends about this and have found a general resurgence in creative people who now work with computers needing desperately to do something manual.
Folk who originally were sketching designs on paper with scratchy pens or pencils or building little models of cardboard or painting are now in such a virtual world as to have lost a vital step in the process of creation... that being the physical sensation of making an idea come alive...
we are alienated from the very thing we are creating....
i have started to fool around again with pinhole cameras and polaroid sheet film ....and another whim is lino cuts ... i always enjoyed the printing process...during university i spent alot of time making screen prints and paintings ..
i'm a very messy printer... but that's part of the whole enjoyment - to smell the ink

or paint and get it everywhere ...(my camera is covered in blood red paint and sticky fingerprints ...)

today i have been making more of my "strange heart" series...
i dont know if it is anything important or even if anyone likes them but i am doing a limited edition of 250 and i send one with every image purchased from my little galleries on etsy...as a little thankyou...
a happy accident and a tiny fingerprint heart happens...i make a little fingerprint heart on all the later print backs :)

the more virtual my world becomes the more strong the urge to make something
with my own hands
something simple real and tactile
my birthday is coming up on the 13th of november and i intend to spend the whole day making little sets and making pinhole photographs of them
"just because"

here are a few of my real world friends who are handcrafting works to get real again
tony sandoval -artist ... draws and paints on anything that comes to hand, including postoffice receipts... one of which i am the proud owner of!!!
silvia messa -director tvc and print media ... making handcrafted clothes and ecclectic artworks
ingermaaike -artist ... making handcrafted felt eccentric pieces of wearable art and odd toys
francis van hout - 3D animator ... making footprints of humans in plaster,paintings and installations of picket fences
michael dye - fashion+celebrity stylist ... cooking up veritable storms in the vineyards in italy
carin campbell - production manager of massive construction projects for the australians... mad knitter "stitch and bitch" and landscape gardener
and there are many many more ....
I will look forward to this new blog feature of yours! Lovely work! I adore your little and bigger hearts!
I love those printed hearts ! The great thing is that they are all different; I like that.
Love these heart and wish I could find mine...sniffs.
Your works are a great comfort to me, my world in print...
Thanks so very much for the mention :0D
I only make with my hands and it is a joy to do, every single day.
This is so amazing Frances! I love how they turned out, great great idea!
You've been so busy Frances! And it's look fantastic!
These look so satifying to make - and it is so true that people today feel a need to create something from the heart when consumerism has gone mad and life has no soul anymore.
As I keep saying - it's not about perfection anymore :)
nice blog girl and there is a lot of links to a very creative people! those hearts looks nice,so i will send you a note in DA latter,un abrazo!!
I need to feel things in my hand to feel the piece become alive :) Love your hearts seems like you had a fund day :)
Creating with your hands is like putting part of your soul into a piece.
I love wath you've done with these hearts & I think your customers will be very lucky! :)
They look wonderful!
I too am a happy one to work with the hands now, after 10 years of creating only virtual things...
Such an interestng blog. I'll be back :)
This is so true, it's time to get back to basics. Lovely tiny heart (bigger ones are beautiful, too)!
Oh my goodness this is SO true ! I do notice a real return amongst my friends too, that there is a real need to produce something with your hands and not on a computer.
As a photographer having made the switch to digital you are removed from the "olden days" of dark rooms, at least most of the time.
For me, my "hands on " thing has been working with polaroids, in cafes, out and about. I don't know yet what I will replace it with when my film is finished, but I know it will be essential to find something.
Thanks for the post...and loved the hearts you made ! :)
Happy Birthday Frances!!! you are fantastic! these handmade heart thank you cards are precious.
The hearts are adorable! I have always been a person who need to create with my hands both in work and on my free time. I cant think of how I would feel if I wasnt able to do that.
I LOVE your work, really really poetic pictures. A bientôt
These are seriously fascinating. I enjoy the simplicity of the hearts, yet there is a gentle pause a reflection...
Sometimes art is too complicated for my taste, but this... this is sweet.
Happy birthday by the way!
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