today while tinkering ...i came across the tiny tiny paper boats that my friend Inger sent me from Norway... they were made by her little sons and they are the smallest paper boats i have ever ever seen .. they are not more than a centimetre long and in fact some are about 4mm long ....
so today was "my day" and i decided to pull out the pinhole camera and make some little boat sets ... the above images are the polaroids ... i shot also 5x4 sheet film and look forward to seeing it ... each image took around an hour to expose
they are quite beautiful
They are superbeautiful, Frances! You're such an artist! :)
That is soooo utterly cool!
I'll show the boys tomorrow :0D
oh gosh, you really make them looks so beautiful match!
These are totally beautiful pictures!!
they are adorable!stunning photos!!!
they are looking so great!
wow, very very beautiful Match!!!!
hey are gorgeous, Match!
My Heavens, your enduring patience and artful imagination inspire me so... I fell in love with your photography montage at first glance... Thank You for sharing!
woww... stunning pics... great work!!!
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