... faeries arent necessarily "nice" you know .....
and this one is particularly bad tempered and wicked
he joined me on my latest seven league boots leaps
...you never can tell what mood he will be in but
he has flown a very very long way in a very very short time
3 am get up ...
Reno ........... fasten seat belt

Las Vegas... (a nice lady helped me with the shooting... )

buckle up in Vegas
flit around in San francisco.... but dont get caught
ahhhhhh green (still SF)

roast tomatoes from Etna... mozzarella di buffala from Capua
basil from Toscana... balsamico from Modena...and oil from Puglia ...
home sweet home

scary faery was handmade by the very brilliant and constantly ALIVE Ingermaaike for me ...his job is to bring good fortune and lucky-ness where-ever "we" go .....
I really like him .... despite his kranky bad disposition....
he does make me laugh.............