yesterday i was standing in the garden under a scorching sun, in a bikini and it started to hail heavily on me ....
at this point in the great Nevada desert adventure, i barely raised an eyebrow ...

... having said that a couple of weekends ago we came across some pretty wild stuff deep deep in the heart of the Nevada wastelands ....

on the side of a barren deserted road stands a massive tree
with about a million shoes dangling off it...

the story goes that a pioneer took his wifes shoes and flung them up high in the tree branches so she wouldnt
since then it has been a permanent momento and now carries so many shoes that some of the branches have broken and fallen into the pit below...
you have to wonder how on earth some of these shoes made it up to the highest branches ... the witchy boots got me ....
would have had to be a broomstick job for accomplished witches only

quite by accident we found "dune" ,......giant white sand dunes standing alone on a basin of salt ...we had to investigate as it looked like the sand mountain had fleas
on closer inspection we found mad max people with cars so tall i couldnt even on tippy toe see into the windows....and dune buggies driven by 7 year old maniacs and 4 seater serious sand machines with folk wearing headsets and glasses...

we continued on our journey and found dinosaurs in hillsides ... roads that arent even on the GPS system ... which was telling us we were in a river ... ghost towns still with kitchens and living quarters all intact

and more scary still..... live towns with no people ....
no one ...
not a living soul ....
more and more bizarre this land...